What, in your day, leaves you with contentment?
The following support a feeling of happiness:
Kindness expressed towards others and yourself.
Andy Puddicombe of Headspace, tells the story of a Tibetan prisoner who spent 27 years in a Chinese POW camp. He eventually escaped and travelled over the Himalayas to India, where he met the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama asked him how he managed to survive so many years of torture, of being stuck in a place of such misery. He asked, “Did you not fear for your life?” and the man replied, “The only thing I feared was losing my compassion, my sense of kindness towards others.”
It shows the power of our perception and how, even when confronted by death, we can still find that sweet spot within. In short, we want to focus less on the external circumstances and more on the internal. Internally, the habitual patterns, or our conditioning, can sometimes be very strong. So we may naturally have a restless mind or frequently feel frustrated, irritated, sad, critical and so on. We might mistakenly believe this to be who we are or the sum total of the mind, forgetting that thoughts and feelings are simply on the surface of the mind.
Reports from the last few thousand years appear to match the more recent scientific findings – when we let go of thought - that endless commentary which questions and doubts and obstructs our innate happiness, we experience something more spacious, less judgmental, more empathetic.
- · A playful attitude
Develop a lighter, more playful attitude to life in order to experience more fulfilment, satisfaction and an understanding of how your own happiness impacts others. Keeping the mind playful, light and curious about what is about to unfold supports happiness. Sometimes this innate sense of enjoyment gets obscured by what you do. Letting go of what you do can naturally bring you back to joy.
- · Awareness of critical thoughts
What do you do that gets in the way of your happiness? Are you critical of yourself as well as critical of other people? Rather be aware of the thoughts that arise and understand it in relation to your experience or someone else’s experience. You may get mentally imprisoned by habitual judging thoughts like, “I should/He shouldn’t...”/ “This is good or that is bad” / “I don’t want this...” – which doesn’t allow us to see the moment and to live authentically in it.
- · Balance and even mind.
Notice what throws you off of that innate happiness in your day. Notice what disturbs that innate balance - is it internal thoughts or overwhelming emotions or external factors (for example certain people that upset you)? Instead of going into a story, reconnect with that evenness or balance that was always there.
Whilst we can't always be prepared, knowing what or who
throws you off balance will help you to remain in the present moment next time.
- · Count your blessings
Notice what you have and can do. Appreciate the moments you are aware during your day. Awareness meaning feeling your breath moving in and out of your body – approaching it gently like you would watch a shy animal in the wild.
- · Physical exercise
It turns out physical exercise are doing more than just lowering your stress levels – they can actually mimic the effects of antidepressants. The great news is that it doesn’t take much to reap the benefits – moderate exercise, brisk walks, even just 30 minutes a day – can power up your brain to renew itself and keep you sharp as a tack as well.
- · De-clutter
Spring clean and de-clutter your home. Clearing out helps you take stock of yourself. It’s a way of empowering and respecting yourself.
Visual reminders of working life will continue to trigger old thoughts, feelings, and behaviours for as long as they are there.
- · Empathy
Empathy is putting yourself in another’s shoes instead of feeling pity for them. If you want to practice compassion, notice the “I”, “me” or “mine” in your thoughts. By listening you give an act of love and it feels good to be heard.
***When your focus is on the happiness of others you find balance in your life.
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082 782 4747
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