Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The 2016-adventure

Your wake-up call for the rest of 2016

I invite you to join me for the second part of the year. We are on an adventure where we stop operating on autopilot and start living a life of curiosity and joy.

The new fun activities are:

Whether I drink tea or coffee I want to make it a ritual: I want to be aware of the smell, the taste, the temperature and even where it comes from and what it took for me to be able to enjoy it. Savouring the moment and realising when my mind has wandered.
How will it feel to reduce the speed of my movements, for brief periods in the day?
I want to play with visualisation from time to time. I am going to imagine the sun’s warm and bright rays shining down into my body. I want to feel it filling my body from the toes upwards as if it was a container. As the “liquid sunlight fills me up” I sense all tension melting away in my body.

When I brush my teeth, I want to make it an exercise in mindfulness. Rather than simply thinking about stuff, direct my attention to the physical sensations, the smells and the taste.

Contact Lucia Brand

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