Friday, May 27, 2016

The role of Focus in Studying

Modern psychologists refer to this state of absolute absorption or concentration in what we are doing, as being "in flow."

 As a child, I remember teachers at my school shouting at us to “Pay attention!”, but yelling at someone doesn’t train anyone to focus.
Paying attention, luckily, is a skill that can be learned.

                                                                                                       Photo Credit: Unsplash

What are the instructions for focusing?
  • The ability not to be distracted and
  • Deliberate attention on one thing at one time

What are the ingredients of focus for making it sustainable?
  • ·    Spaciousness and lightness (a softness, instead of an intense focus)
  • ·    Interest and curiosity (Asking for example, ‘How does my body/body part feel? Light? Heavy? Tight? Opening up yourself – pausing playfully - and not hurrying this answer.)

Why do you get to know your strengths in the Study Course?
There are modalities in your brain that work better for you to pay attention. Some people have to hear to focus well while others have to see the information or feel it more intuitively with their bodies. Each one has to know their dominant modality to orientate themselves. In the Complete Study Course, you discover what this is. It is like tuning your instrument before tuning it together with other instruments of an orchestra (i.e. at school).
Tuning your instrument is an analogy of getting in touch with yourself and it balances the doing with being. You use what you are naturally drawn to – visualisation, listening or feeling – to get in touch with yourself and to study more effectively.
Meditation is a practice of training your mind to focus and be more present and remind yourselves when you are distracted. It is removed from the business of life and activities. 

And then, on the other hand, there is the application of mindfulness. The latter is using the new sense of calm and ease and applies it to activities like studying. You will find focused flow creeping into all activities of your life. Have a look at Yuja Wang playing the piano “in flow”.

During the sessions in this course we apply memory techniques that suit your strengths.

2-week Courses available during the holiday. 

To book contact:

Lucia Brand
082 782 4747

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