Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Your wake-up call for 2016

I invite you to join me for a year of adventure, where we stop operating on autopilot and start living a life of curiosity and joy.

Baie van ons voel ontevrede met ons lewe waarin ons slapend wakker is. Dit sluit dié van ons in wat maar voortbeur tot dié wat ten alle koste 'n poging aanwend om mense/dinge te beheer sodat die lewe glad verloop.

This year I am delighted to create a 10-month long experiment to break our routines! I will introduce the experiments one month at a time. Our first month’s experiments look like this:

WEEK ONE I will use the HALT-technique:  pausing in stressful moments to check in and gauge whether I am Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. If I am, I'll find a solution first (for myself and/or my kids!) before responding.

WEEK TWO I will spend the first 10 minutes of every day outside.

WEEK THREE I will take a cold(er) shower each day.

WEEK FOUR I will tell one person per day what I love about them.


"Reculer pour mieux sauter" – take a step back in order to leap higher!

According to statistics, most of us will fail our New Year’s resolutions. We’ll probably beat ourselves up for being lazy and undisciplined. But, with few exceptions, our New Year’s resolutions don’t fail because of laziness.

Hoekom wil ons nie verander nie?

Ons het kompeterende behoeftes en belangstellings. Terwyl een deel van ons doelstellings het vir persoonlike groei, het ’n ander deel vrae. Dit verg bewuswording!

This year, instead of being hard on ourselves, maybe we can have a little mindfulness and compassion for ourselves. Maybe we can embrace the part of us that wants to change and the part of us that is afraid to change. Maybe then, even our failed resolutions will be the beginning of something new and good and beautiful.

The French have a lovely expression that encapsulates the importance of calling on patience and restraint when we feel out of kilter, rather than bulldozing on. 

Join us in a 10-month long experiment to take a step back in order to leap higher! And tell us why you want to 'wake up" in 2016.


The Complete Study Course follows a Mindfulness Approach.

It is meant to give you or your children practical insight on how to learn more effectively and with less frustration. The lessons in this course can help in learning many different subjects and skills. Whether you love language or math, music or physics or history, you will have a lot of fun, and learn a LOT about how to learn!

Contact Details
082 782 4747

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