Sunday, July 5, 2015

Learning: Creating healthy habits

Creating good study habits

...Choose wisely

Procrastination is explained as follows. When you have to do something that you do not want to do, the ‘pain spot’ in your brain is stimulated. Changing your focus to some other activity gives (temporarily) relief. Bad habits form.

Research has shown that the relief comes also as soon as you have started to do what you were supposed to do! And it is less stressful if you are present with your process - one portion of the subject at a time. You will master the ‘difficulties’ with spaced repetition. And going back and fro between focus and rest (like a game of ping-pong) is important to finding solutions and to master anything from academics to sport. 

Do this by dividing your time into 25 minute sessions with 5 minutes breaks in between.

 How to form good habits:

·        Use a timer to help you divide your day into sessions.
·        Space repetitions of your work over an amount of days/weeks.
·        Plan sessions the night before and note what time you will end off the next day.
·        Be present in one session, as it happens.
·        Reward yourself after completing planned sessions.
·        Believe in your own abilities.

Don’t step away from what you feel passionate about. Research has shown that you can learn and master something difficult (It will and should feel uncomfortable at first, but will soon be easier, after persisting).  

Don’t just follow your passion, broaden it!

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